Some people cannot live without air conditioning

Some people cannot live without air conditioning

I know some people who cannot live without air conditioning right inside of their car, then their household must be full of air conditioning as well, and here I am and I do not even have air conditioning at home, but i also do not even use the air conditioning in my car most times. I only use the air conditioning in my car if it is above 90 degrees. That is when I usually need air conditioning the most because it is too hot. However there are some people who cannot live without air conditioning. They hate to be in the warm weather. I could not imagine living my life that way. I did not grow up with air conditioning and I still do not have air conditioning. I do not even have air conditioning in my own household as an adult. I do not even guess my children will grow up with air conditioning. I feel that it is better to grow up without air conditioning. I feel like that you will spend more time outside and less time on electronics inside. I hope my youngsters will spend time in the pool rather than spending it all inside to keep cool in the air conditioning. I feel like that is why I like to get outside and do things. I did not grow up with air conditioning so I guess it worked to my benefit now that I am an adult. I hope that one afternoon my children will also feel the same way that I do right now about air conditioning. That just goes to show that some people can’t live without air conditioning. Some people particularly can live without air conditioning.

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