Glad we can turn off the HVAC system while working from home

Glad we can turn off the HVAC system while working from home

This week has definitely been an interesting one. As somebody who’s used to working from home, I definitely overestimated how well I was prepared to only work remotely. In a normal week, I have two remote work days. I enjoy taking these extra days to get more of my job accomplished from the peace of

Landlord refuses to replace Heating, Ventilation & A/C

Landlord refuses to replace Heating, Ventilation & A/C

I even tried to file a complaint with the renters union, however my pleas for sufficient temperature control went unheard I’ve lived in some pretty crappy apartments before out of necessity, and the conditions don’t typically get me down too much because I’m aware that I’m paying little and receiving little! I’ve resided in venues

Odd noise coming from my heating system

Odd noise coming from my heating system

My heating system for a legitimately long time was making a strange noise when it turned on, then it was a loud, grinding sound that was super aggravating. Anytime I tried to sleep, I swear that the boiler would fire up and keep me awake all evening long, and eventually I started googling what to

Landlord refuses to replace HVAC

Landlord refuses to replace HVAC

I’ve lived in some pretty crappy apartments before out of necessity, plus the conditions don’t correctly get me down too much because I’m aware that I’m paying little plus receiving little, and i’ve resided in places that didn’t have functioning door locks, where the lights flickered 24/7, plus where the water was disputably safe to

Glad my buddy and I can turn off the Heating plus A/C system while working from home

Glad my buddy and I can turn off the Heating plus A/C system while working from home

This week has honestly been an interesting one, as somebody who’s used to working from home, I honestly overestimated how well I was prepared to only work remotely. In a normal week, I have two remote work afternoons. I enjoy taking these extra afternoons to get more of my task accomplished from the peace of

Can I call for heating system repair on a hybrid system?

Can I call for heating system repair on a hybrid system?

Years ago I called my local, Terrel heating repair business about a possible hybrid heating system. This combines a gas heating system and a heat pump. In Texas the frosty season is brief and not too intense. A heat pump system works totally enjoyable for the heating function most of the time. When it gets

We've had some big problems

We've had some big problems

This week has actually been an interesting one. As somebody who had used to laboring from home, I actually overquoted how well I was prepared to only work remotely. In a normal week, I have two remote work nights. I cherish taking these extra nights to get more of my job accomplished from the peace

Some people cannot live without air conditioning

Some people cannot live without air conditioning

I know some people who cannot live without air conditioning right inside of their car. Their home must be full of air conditioning as well. Here I am and I don’t even have air conditioning at home. I also don’t even use the air conditioning in my car most times. I only use the air

What an interesting time this has been

What an interesting time this has been

This week has really been an interesting one. As somebody who would used to working from home, I really overestimated how well I was prepared to only work remotely. In a normal week, I have two remote work mornings. I appreciate taking these extra mornings to get more of my job accomplished from the peace

Looking for a Palm Bay, FL A/C replacement company after my unit died

Looking for a Palm Bay, FL A/C replacement company after my unit died

Unfortunately cooling systems don’t last forever! My home came with a central air conditioner and I loved that machine all the way until it died. When I moved into my home in Palm Bay, I knew it wasn’t going to last long. The unit was already over 15 years old. I made sure to call

Hoping we can do our Chicago AC repair ourselves

Hoping we can do our Chicago AC repair ourselves

My boyfriend and I rent a small house in Chicago, IL. For years we had been trying to buy the place from our landlord. We desperately wanted to make the house ours. The guy is unwilling to sell. I get it. He makes a mint renting out in Chicago, IL. We pay top dollar for

That foul smell was mold on my cooling coil

That foul smell was mold on my cooling coil

For a while I was dealing with a smelly air conditioner. It had a wet, musty smell every time it operated. Since the A/C doesn’t get a lot of action in Chicago, IL, I thought it wasn’t a sizable deal. It ran, was giving me great biweekly bills, as well as would reliably turn on.

Some people cannot live without air conditioning

Some people cannot live without air conditioning

I know some people who cannot live without air conditioning right inside of their car, then their household must be full of air conditioning as well, and here I am and I do not even have air conditioning at home, but i also do not even use the air conditioning in my car most times.

Ended up with a cracked heat exchanger

Ended up with a cracked heat exchanger

For a long time, I neglected my boiler simply because I didn’t want to call for service. Then it turned into me not calling for a repair. I figured that the problem would work itself out. In hindsight, that is dumb. No repair magically fixes itself. It started with me missing repair and my boiler

Window A/C wasn’t powerful enough for a Palm Bay summer

Window A/C wasn’t powerful enough for a Palm Bay summer

I purchased a home in Palm Bay, Florida that was really abandoned mid construction project. There was an addition put on the home that was never finished. No insulation, no respected flooring, and it wasn’t right for the house. There also was only a window air conditioner unit in that didion. I decided to make

Skipping boiler repair was a mistake

Skipping boiler repair was a mistake

Most people suppose that because I live in Terrell, TX the weather doesn’t get that cold, and they are wrong! We do get below-chilly uneven temperatures and experience snow. A boiler is necessary… I own a gas boiler to combat the chilly season. It is a vital piece of device for us Texans. I make