Looking for a Palm Bay, FL A/C replacement company after my unit died

Looking for a Palm Bay, FL A/C replacement company after my unit died

Unfortunately cooling systems don’t last forever! My home came with a central air conditioner and I loved that machine all the way until it died. When I moved into my home in Palm Bay, I knew it wasn’t going to last long. The unit was already over 15 years old. I made sure to call

The foul smell turned out to be a minor boiler repair

The foul smell turned out to be a minor boiler repair

I am aware that any foul smells in the apartment have to be eradicated immediately. I am on it when it comes to vacuuming, mopping, scrubbing, and spraying Febreze in my household. I invested in an air cleaner that installs right into my air duct to remove any mold, mildew, and smelly smells wafting around.

Some people cannot live without air conditioner

Some people cannot live without air conditioner

I know some people who cannot live without air conditioner right inside of their car, but their dwelling must be full of air conditioner as well. Here I am and I don’t even have air conditioner at home, then i also don’t even use the air conditioner in my vehicle most times. I only use

The A/C service turned out to be a loose linked to the HVAC duct

The A/C service turned out to be a loose linked to the HVAC duct

Anytime my A/C operated it made a rattling sound. It was a definitely weird rumbling that I just didn’t like. It was hard to sleep at night as well as my home was sort of hot. I knew there was a service on my hands but I didn’t want to spend the cash. I also

Glad my buddy and I can turn off the Heating plus A/C system while working from home

Glad my buddy and I can turn off the Heating plus A/C system while working from home

This week has honestly been an interesting one, as somebody who’s used to working from home, I honestly overestimated how well I was prepared to only work remotely. In a normal week, I have two remote work afternoons. I enjoy taking these extra afternoons to get more of my task accomplished from the peace of

Trying to deal with an AC repair and a screaming baby

Trying to deal with an AC repair and a screaming baby

My husband is the handy one out of the two of us. If something goes wrong in the house I simply let him know and he takes care of that. In exchange I keep the house cleaned, the laundry done, and make all the meals. Well, my husband has to travel for work a bunch.

Ended up with a cracked heat exchanger

Ended up with a cracked heat exchanger

For a long time, I neglected my boiler simply because I didn’t want to call for service. Then it turned into me not calling for a repair. I figured that the problem would work itself out. In hindsight, that is dumb. No repair magically fixes itself. It started with me missing repair and my boiler